Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fogged Up Glass Wall

It was quick. The words escaped your mouth quickly and you even tried to cover it up with something else. But it took me forever to hear it. It's like I was in a slow motion film, only this one is no fantasy. Reality bites hard and it is damn painful. I let it pass. But it kept knocking on my door waiting for me to process it.

And as I did, the once invisible walls that I kept on encountering every time I take another step closer to you has now finally taken its shape. I can clearly see it and feel it between us. I wish they were just sliding wooden doors so I'd not see what's behind it. The glass walls are indeed deceiving. I thought it wasn't really there that you're within my reach. But the closer I get to it and as I open my mouth to speak, the glass gets fogged up. And this for once showed me that there is that glass wall which has long been existing between us. And as you approach me, every time you patronize me with your subtle words, you make everything more blur. The fog took my form. And that explained everything. The fog told me more about how you weren't any different from any of your kind- Genus: Machine, Species: Ego Feeder with no intentions or whatsoever.

I'm left with three options: 1. Break the glass between us; 2. Wipe it clean; or 3. Leave it as it is- fogged up glass. Breaking the glass would either hurt me or you or perhaps both of us. I still respect you for who you are so I wouldn't want to do that. But wiping it clean shall never be an option for it shall take away all the love that's left inside me. Number three is probably the best option I've got. Leave it as it is; all fogged up. This shall remind me of the walls that will forever be between us. This will keep me ahead of your game. Yes, your game. It was yours alone, until you spoke that day. That fogged glass will remind me that there are things I can never have and which I should leave behind me, as it is.

I think it's high time for me to say, "thanks for the memories. Though, I'll be making more memories with you, only it is much different, and that I owe to myself. I shall make more memories with you with a fogged up glass wall between us.".